Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Hello Everyone!

Happy 2017!!!  I hope each of you has had a moment to sit down with your cup of coffee (tea in my case) and ponder on 2016.  If you haven't, I challenge you to take some time to do this.  I think it brings clarity and causes us to be deliberate about things we can change or improve on for 2017.  Change doesn't just happen on it's own and often change requires YOU to be the catapult.  If we don't purposely challenge ourselves to grow in a positive way, then next year at this time, what will have changed?  This year I journaled and actually wrote out questions and the answers about 2016 and 2017.  My former habit is to come up with a quick answer, get back to work and not every really be deliberate about doing anything with my answers.   But...this year,  I am and have already started changing some thought patterns and "doing" the answers to my questions.  Anyway, God and I got all the questions answered together and below are some of the questions that you might want to take some time to meditate.

  • What lessons have I learned in 2016?
  • Who have I become in 2016?
  • Who has God become for me in 2016?
  • Where am I going in 2017?
  • What does God want to be for me in 2017?
  • What upgrades will I get in 2017 and how do I prepare for the upgrade?
I am anxious to continue the pursuit of the 2017 answers, live them out and then re-read my journal next year at this time to see my personal growth and the things God has brought me through.  

So bringing in the New Year with The Essential Olive, some of my goals are to market my Felted Soap. You ask..."what is felted soap?"  The answer is simple, its soap wrapped up in wool that is felted.   Since I have a lot soap and I have a friend that has a lot of sheep, we recently collaborated to make felted soap!  Some of the benefits of felted soap are listed below.
  • they make your soap last longer
  • it is a natural washcloth and exfoliator
  • doesn't slip out of your hands
  • the wool is anti-fungal and you can use for a cleaning scrubby after the soap is gone
What a olive oil soap with fine rambouillet wool...a locally made product from northern California.  You can check out The Essential Olive  and Lani's Lana websites.  

Next on the list....beard oil...know any men with a beard???

Til then, smile, forgive, love and walk in who YOU are.  There is no better YOU!